Joy can be restored after loss

Your relationship can be enlivened

Congruence can be attained

Compassion can outgrow imperfection

Freedom and prosperity are re-defined

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Acculturation is the process of adopting cultural traits or social norms of another group, and is a common experience for people who have migrated. You’re probably overwhelmed from starting over since this experience unexpectedly wrecked all things familiar and stable. You previously thought that migrating would lead to a prosperous life, yet you find yourself questioning your identity, decisions, and capacity to adjust at present. The cost of remaining the same begins to feel intolerable, and you need changes that can make personal and generational impact. I can help you move through these life transition challenges.

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Community re-integration describes returning to your community following a period of involuntary or voluntary absence, perhaps due to significant life events or mental health struggles. For some, returning home may be difficult because of family interactions or behavioral cycles that inadvertently contributed to your initial crisis and displacement. Stability and normalcy are long-term endeavors, demanding for changes to take place in a stable environment alongside healthy supporters. This is possible and worth aiming for. I’d love to explore this journey with you.

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You are perceptive and sensitive, and at times a compliant perfectionist who’s afraid of making errors, yet is secretly consumed by anxious thoughts and compulsions that have disrupted your quality of life and relationships. This hidden life is difficult to overcome because it can be deceptively gratifying, and is even seen as a culturally acceptable problem to have. At times you’re conflicted about change, but you’re also determined to re-discover your worth and identity again. I’m ready to take on this challenge with you.